
Tri-State Theater

Let's discuss upcoming shows, secrets behind the scenes, things you never knew about the theater and why live theater is so darn entertaining.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Man Who Paused

Even though it's not exactly aimed at my demographic, I thought I'd go see "Menopause the Musical" last night - though I admit I was on the fence. I thought, "I'll leave it to fate. If tickets are still available, I'll go. If it's sold out, obviously, I won't."

So I called the number to order a ticket, and sure enough, there were still some tickets available. But then fate stepped in and I was disconnected before I could place an order. Well, you don't have to drop a house on me - obviously a higher power (namely, the phone company) was telling me to stay home. So I spent a relaxing evening enjoying "American Idol" and "Lost" instead.

However, if you want to learn more about the show, check out this story, or take a look at the Herald-Dispatch's Photo Galleries (the source for this photo).

I haven't given up yet - maybe I'll take in a matinee. If the phone company is willing.

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