Even though it's not exactly aimed at my demographic, I thought I'd go see "Menopause the Musical" last night - though I admit I was on the fence. I thought, "I'll leave it to fate. If tickets are still available, I'll go. If it's sold out, obviously, I won't."
So I called the number to order a ticket, and sure enough, there were still some tickets available. But then fate stepped in and I was disconnected before I could place an order. Well, you don't have to drop a house on me - obviously a higher power (namely, the phone company) was telling me to stay home. So I spent a relaxing evening enjoying "American Idol" and "Lost" instead.
However, if you want to learn more about the show, check out this story, or take a look at the Herald-Dispatch's Photo Galleries (the source for this photo).
I haven't given up yet - maybe I'll take in a matinee. If the phone company is willing.
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