It's always great to see a local performer enjoy success outside our area. Today's example is Emily Asbury (she's the cute one on the left in the photo above). She starred in quite a few local productions, including Suessical the Musical, Bye Bye Birdie and The Music Man, to name just a few.
These days Emily is going to college in Columbus, Ohio, but this summer she's spending the month of July starring as The Baker's Wife in the musical Into the Woods with the Columbus Children's Theatre. It's ironic, because she starred in so many productions with First Stage (Huntington's children's theatre), but now she's working with a different kind of children's theatre - in Columbus, the shows feature adult actors putting on shows aimed at young audiences (though Into the Woods is a bit dark for young one).
The show runs through the month of July - you can get more information right here (click on the "Summer 2007 Performance Season" button). It's a great musical, and I know Emily will be wonderful in the show. I was lucky enough to direct her in a couple of local shows, and she's exactly the kind of actress you want in your show - beautiful, hard-working, always prepared, always in character, quick-thinking and talented as can be.
If you get a chance, make the trip to Columbus and enjoy the show!
Len and I are going next Saturday, July 14, 7:30 p.m. Anyone want to join us?
I wish I could, but that weekend is out for me. Sorry about that! Let me know what you thought of the show!
Sorry you won't be able to join us, Chuck.
Here a review from The Columbus Dispatch, with a nice mention of Emily!
I wish I could be there, but I promised to take my wife, my Mom and my Mom-in-Law to lunch that day. I do plan to see the show, I just haven't figured out when yet. And thanks for the link to the review - if only every newspaper did reviews like that, eh? ;-)
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