It's amazing to realize that none of the candidates have ever performed on Broadway - and the producers are getting ready to give one of them the lead role in a difficult (and very entertaining) show.
Still, all four candidates have lots of potential. This episode started with the usual snipping between the girls about how bad they want to win and how another actor isn't as strong at singing or dancing or acting. Blah, blah, blah - more performances, less griping, please.
The first challenge they faced was a training exercise that forced them to combine the three vital skills for an actor in a musical - singing while dancing and acting. It's interesting that each actor has a weakness - Rhiannon struggles with singing, Autumn with dancing, and Bailey and Lauren with acting. The judges commented at one point (and this is something every director has probably said at one time or another) that they wished they could combine each actor's strong point into a Frankenstein-ish performer. But that trick never works.
After being treated to a fancy dinner, the actors faced their next challenge - two days of rehearsal for the performance of the song, "What You Want," which (naturally) combined the three disciplines, and threw in a quick costume change, too. The audition also included several performers from the Broadway show (and you can't help but wonder how they feel about these newcomers getting a shot at the lead role).
Each performance had positives and negatives - and Bailey managed to overcome being handed the wrong hat, which kept sliding down over her eyes (as seen in the above photo, courtesy MTV). Either Lauren has a huge noggin or Bailey has a golf ball head - I'm not sure which.
All four actors had to face the judges, and in the end, Lauren was sent home - mostly because of her youth and inexperience. At the very end, the judges dropped another shocker for the actors - the director only wants to see two candidates in the final audition, so another actor will be cut - but apparently not until the beginning of the next episode.
So one more show will give us the winner. I still think it's going to come down to Bailey and Autumn, but we'll see - Rhiannon has great stage presence, but I just don't think she has the pipes for the job.
We'll find out next week!
You should take a break from writing about this nonsense and pay more attention to Joss Whedon's online musical "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog" starring Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion. And it's super-hero related. Up your alley? I think so. Google it.
Oh, and the URL is, but it's been experiencing technical difficulties all morning, so good luck (although I did get a peek at the first couple of minutes - looks good so far).
Evan, "writing about this nonsense?" Hey, I'm happy to admit that I enjoy the musical "Legally Blonde" - it's clever, funny, the staging is amazing and the songs are (for the most part) very good. And I enjoy following the audition process in the TV show, although it's all obviously a skewed version of the real thing.
But I will check out the website - it sounds like fun!
Thanks to alerting me to Dr. Horrible. As our dearly missed friend Amy Browning would say, "It's a hoot and a half." It's worth the 4 bucks to download it on iTunes.
I hope you blog about the Mamma Mia! movie, too. I may be living with the only person in southeastern Ohio* who wants to see it before "The Dark Knight."
* among movie fans stating a preference.
Len, I think you and I are in the same boat. My lovely wife wants to see "Mamma Mia," and I think I'm going to give the Dark Knight a week so the crowds will thin a bit - so I'll probably end up seeing the musical first, too. So much for my geek credentials!
I still haven't seen "Dr. Horrible," but several friends (and at least one son) have recommended it. I'll try to catch it this weekend!
Oh Dr. Horrible is great! Dad, you need to blog about it soon. It goes offline Saturday at midnight and it's the first musical of its kind (Internet exclusive). I paid the four bucks and have watched the first two acts. It's been wonderful thus far. Watch it, blog about it, do it!
All right, already! I watched it, I'm blogging about it. And you're right, it's great fun!
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