The creative teams there have tapped into the real secret of making a great movie: first, have a really good story to tell. Add in clever and innovative animation, and the result is always going to be fun.
The central character is a grouchy old man who finds himself alone in his home, and construction is closing in around him. Before his time runs out, he wants to take one last great adventure - but he doesn't want to lose his home.
His solution to the problem is clever and stunning in its execution (though I wouldn't recommend trying it in the real world).
What follows is a unique adventure that moves into a lost world in South America, where encounters include some unique animals, a living legend and some difficult decisions.
There are a few scary scenes, so the movie might not be right for the youngest eyes (although all the best Disney movies have a scary moment or two in them, too). But there are some big laughs in there, too, and more than once I heard a child cheering during the show.
But it's a clever and truly touching film - those of us in the older category would be well advised to keep a hanky handy. You'll need it more than once.
I don't know if it's the best Pixar movie yet (that would be high praise indeed), but it's right up there - and it's the most emotional. I'm looking forward to seeing it again.
The 3-D was very effective (although I had a twinge of the traditional 3-D headache at the beginning, it quickly went away), and didn't detract from the film at all.
So what I'm saying is: recommended. Highly! (Ha! Get it?)
In all likelihood, the best animated movie of the year. Probably one of the 10 best films of the year, too. Highly, highly recommended, indeed!
BTW, 2D or 3D doesn't matter. It's the story that makes this worth seeing -- more than once.
And yes, Chuck, I think it's Pixar's best yet. Probably because I'm turning into a grouchy old man. LOL
Len, that's the scary thing - I relate to Carl so much!
And I agree, it's one of the best of the year so far - it's almost a shame the Oscars created a special category for animated films - this should be in the running for Best Picture, period!
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