I saw the musical last Saturday, and it was amazing to see this talented cast tackling such a challenging show. Into the Woods has a lot going for it - a great directing team, a fine orchestra, an amazing set, a terrific tech crew - but the burden of the show falls on the cast, and they're outstanding.
I wanted to single out a few of the veterans in the cast. Sarah Hayes (The Baker's Wife) (that's her on the left) is a performer I've watched grow up on stage in Huntington, and it's hard to believe that she's already a senior. She's grown into such a beautiful and talented performer, with strong acting skills and outstanding comic timing, her excellent singing and incredible dancing. She's been in dozens of shows and it's great to see her back with First Stage one final time!
Senior Holly Smith (Rapunzel) had a small but key role as Rapunzel, and managed to wring loads of laughs out of the part, and got to show off her outstanding singing voice, too.
Mary Frances Wilkes (Florinda) is a senior who earns big laughs as one of Cinderella's ill-tempered (and ill-fated) step-sisters. A terrific performance!
Senior Cody Verbage (Rapunzel's Prince, Wolf 2) also gets the most out of several roles, whether he's chasing the Three Little Pigs, wooing Rapunzel or singing a duet about the burdens of being a Prince. He's a talented young performer who does great work here.
The whole cast does a great job, but let me single out just a few more performers:
- Caleb Donahoe steals scenes like crazy (this is a good thing) as the Mysterious Man and the Narrator - he's funny, a fine actor, and he has a fantastic singing voice.
- Sarah Bryan has a great turn as Little Red Riding Hood - the character who is at the same time vicious and very, very funny.
- Kristin Caviani is a scream as the mother of Jack (he of the beanstalk), and she's a heck of a good singer, too.
- Daniel King (Cinderella's Prince / Wolf 1) has a powerful voice and turns in a strong performance here. Where has he been hiding?
- Meg Riley (Cinderella's Stepmother) and Emily Dennison (Cinderella's Stepsister Lucinda) are both hilarious, playing spiteful roles for comedy and getting big laughs.
Of course, putting on a show is a team effort, and it takes the whole cast working together to make the show happen - including a small army of trees who become a living part of the set, in addition to singing in those difficult Sondheim songs!
It's a production the cast and crew can be very proud of - it's a challenging show that's one of Sondheim's best (it's my favorite of his, actually), and this cast does a terrific job with it.
This weekend you have three more chances to see Into the Woods. It'll be presented at the Jean C. Stephenson Auditorium (upstairs at Huntington City Hall) 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Nov. 20-21, and 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 22
Tickets are $12 and $10 children 12 and under. Call 304-416-KIDS for info or 304-733-4909. For more information, go online to www.firststagetheatre.org.
Highly recommended!
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