Acting is as much a team activity as any sport - it takes everyone doing their job well to make a show possible. Each show has its stars (the featured performers - I'll talk more about them soon) but it also needs supporting players, all doing their job and making the show possible.
It's like a football team - the quarterback is the star, but he can't win the game on his own. And the team only succeeds when everyone does their job.
Luckily, Camelot has a terrific supporting cast. Some of them are longtime theatre veterans, and for some it's their first show ever. But they all pitch in, learn their part and make the finished show the spectacle it is (and I mean that in a good way, of course).
There's a lot to be said for being in a supporting role - there are far fewer lines to memorize and a lot less pressure on your performance - but that doesn't make it any less vital to the goal, which is putting on a great show!
I'm proud to be part of this cast - they're a dedicated, talented crew, and lots of fun to hang around (and work) with.
Tomorrow, I'll talk about the stars of the show - which include an old pal, a veteran of the stage, a well-known TV anchor, and one of my co-workers in the real world.
Unfortunately I'm traveling for the next two weeks--can we get pics of the set and/or costumes for any other poor saps like me? I'd like to get a taste of this production--it was one of the first plays I ever did.
Bil, the Herald-Dispatch had a photographer at tonight's rehearsal - they should have some photos up soon.
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