It's been a childhood dream come true to play the part of a knight in King Arthur's court, and it's been a blast. I also seem to be surviving my short singing stint in one song (don't blink or you'll miss it), which was the source of much concern on my part when we first started working on the show.
Of course, the best reason to see the show is to catch the performances by the lead actors - Marina Jurica as Queen Guenevere, Mark Baker as Arthur (seen in the photo below), Todd Preston as Sir Lancelot, Danny Ray as King Pellinore and Andrew Surber as the delightfully wicked Mordred.

Kudos to the team of directors who led the way to making Camelot a reality, including: director Eddie Harbert, who overcame some incredible obstacles to bring this show to life; choreographer Coni Anthony, who's amazingly talented and patient (especially considering she had to put up with ol' "Two Left Feet" Minsker here); music director Mike Campbell, who somehow manages to be a (virtual) one-man orchestra and a terrific guy; and the rest - producer Maxine Loudermilk, assistant director Clara Adkins, props manager Helga Thorn, stage manager Cynthia Simmons, backstage assistant Carol Scarberry and sound technician Chad Snead - heroes all!
It's been a lot of fun to work on the show, which has been one of my favorites since the days in the 1960s when I listened to the soundtrack at my Grandma Hill's house.
It's always fun when dreams come true. Drop by and see the show tonight or tomorrow - it's two-and-a-half hours of songs, music and magic!
It was a pleasure working with you Chuck! All of your wonderful praise and work on the show is highly appreciated! You are truly a wonderful person and dispite what you think a great performer! I hope one day to share the stage with you again, until then keep in touch my dearest Sir Lionel!
Marina, thanks for your kind words! And pay no attention to my self-deprecating humor (it's an ingrained flaw)!
It was wonderful working with you, and I hope we'll share the stage again one of these days!
Everyone did such a great job! I'm glad I got to go see it!
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