
Tri-State Theater

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Friday, September 09, 2011

"Noises Off!" Interview with Mike Naglee

I had the great pleasure of working with Mike Naglee several years ago on Jesus Christ, Superstar (he was amazing in the title role) - he's a gifted actor and I'm thrilled to see him back on stage this weekend in Noises Off, the comedy on stage at Huntington's City Hall auditorium.

Here's an e-interview with Mike about the show:

Q: Tell us about the character you play.

Mike: As Noises Off is about a theatre company putting on a play, we each get two characters! I play Freddie, the dim-witted and insecure leading man... who has a terrible fear of anything remotely violent. He, in turn, plays Philip - a man attempting income tax evasion.

Q: Why did you want to be part of Noises Off?

Mike: I had always heard that it was a lot of fun to perform, so I when I heard it was casting in the area and that a few old friends were planning to audition I jumped at the chance.

Q: What's the most challenging thing about this show?

Mike: The timing and the gargantuan set. Noises Off is VERY confusing for the cast, as we are essentially performing three different versions of the same script - each time with different entrances, blocking and dialogue. It's very hard to get everything right! The set also plays a very large role in the action, and can't really be simplified. Building a set so large and with such precise requirements was very difficult given the time and personnel available to a community theatre production... I still can't believe it's standing there after such a short time.

Q: The show is very funny, very precise and moves very fast in places. Was it a difficult show to learn?

Mike: Absolutely. Couple the inherent confusion of the script with the monstrous task of building such a large set in just a few weeks... I seem to remember Shakespeare being easier.

Q: Why would you recommend this show to our readers?

Mike: It's a guaranteed good time. To paraphrase one of the other cast members, "You'll love this show unless you don't like funny."

Q: Tell us the dates, times and place for the show.

Mike: The play runs the next two weekends (Sept. 9-11 and 16-18) at City Hall, at 8pm, Sundays at 2:30pm.

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