Two great shows to choose from tonight...
- at 8 p.m., you can catch The Merry Wives of Windsor - one of Shakespeare's comedies - as it's presented by Marshall University's Dept. of Theatre at the Joan C. Edwards Performing Arts Center. It's an outstanding production and well worth your time! Tickets are $14 for adults; $12 for seniors, MU faculty and staff; $7 for youths 17 and younger; and free to full-time MU students with valid identification. For more information, call (304) 696-2787. Oh, and you can check out a photo gallery of the play right here.
- Also tonight is the premiere of Ashland Community and Technical College's production of The Crucible. (No, you're not suffering from deja vu - the Kanawha Players just wrapped up their run last weekend.) Shows run at 8 p.m. tonight, Friday and Saturday and at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in the college's J.B. Sowards Theatre. You can read more about that show in this article from today's edition of the Herald-Dispatch.
So get out there and support your local theatre - you'll be glad you did!
Oh, and you can also see some photos from last night's performance of Little Women right here.
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