Students at Huntington High School are presenting the musical All Shook Up, which starts tonight. It’s an Elvis-inspired musical that’s a lot of fun.
Thanks to my pal Stephen Vance(who also supplied this photo), we have an email interview with some of the stars of the show to share with you. Here’s what they had to say:
Q: Tell us what All Shook Up is about...
A: Philip Cron: All Shook Up is about a guitar-playing roustabout who finds himself in a broken down town where the hope of ever finding true love has been lost amongst the citizens. Chad (the roustabout) brings back that hope and the town starts falling "stupid in love." Even Chad falls for a special girl.
Alissa Fetherolf: The show is basically a big tangled web of "he loves...she loves.... so this girl dresses up like a boy to make him like her." It's very funny to see the way the show plays out the plot. It's a modernized version of Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare, so you know to expect something interesting.
Mickey Farley: It's about a roaming cool guy who comes to town, and shows everyone in the place how to live again.
Josefine Landgrave: The show is about a small down that is turned upside down when a rolling roustabout visits.
Q: Why did you want to be in the show?
A: Philip Cron: I loved the script when I first read it; you can always tell when a play is going to be good when you have an amazing script to work with. The music is made up of songs that Elvis himself sang and performed. I guess I just loved the mixture between great music and a wonderful script.
Alissa Fetherolf: I knew with the right director and the right cast this show could be so great, and from what I can tell, we have both of those things!
Josefine Landgrave: I wanted to do this show because I love perform and the stage is my second home. I also love singing and dancing.
Mickey Farley: I decided to do this show because of two of my friends that passed away this past year, Chris Wither and Bobby Gleason. They always loved to entertain, so I thought there was no better way to honor them.
Q: What's your favorite part of the show?
A: Philip Cron: My favorite part of the show would have to be when we perform “Burning Love.” It is a fun scene and I think everyone will enjoy it.
Alissa Fetherolf: I love watching the scenes between the two characters Jim and Sandra because they are both have really great characters, and their chemistry on stage is fabulous.
Mickey Farley: My favorite part of the play is when Chad (Philip Cron) and Jim (Ryan Jackson) have their duet. It’s funny and the vocals are great.
Q: What do you enjoy most about being in a show?
A: Alissa Fetherolf: I love the whole excitement of putting on a show. We work so hard and then show time comes around and all of our efforts go to making someone’s day better.
Philip Cron: The most enjoyable thing about being in a show is when you have a great cast that has lots of energy and is willing to take risks. In All Shook Up I believe we have that cast.
Mickey Farley: I enjoy being around people that are funny and have a great time no matter what.
Josefine Landgrave: My favorite part of the whole play is the very end when everyone finds their soulmate.
Q: Why would you recommend this show to our readers?
A: Philip Cron: I would recommend All Shook Up to your readers because the musical has such high energy and if you enjoy watching a fun show with lots of dancing then you will love our show.
Alissa Fetherolf: It’s a lot of fun. I guarantee there’s at least one part of the show that appeals to every single person. There are also very touching parts, so it’s a great balance.
Josefine Landgrave: I recommend this show to anyone who wants a good laugh and a good time. It will get your feet stompin’ and fingers clappin’.
(This text has been edited to fix Philip's name, which I somehow mangled. Sorry about that!)
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