This show always has a warm place in my heart, because the first time the children's theatre staged it (about 10 years ago), my youngest son Evan played the part of Young Spider #2, and delivered his first lines in a show. My oldest son Justin worked backstage as a member of the tech crew. It was a great experience for both of them, and from what I've seen, today's cast is enjoying the same experience.
The show is directed by my pal Amy Browning. We've worked together on quite a few shows, and she's not only a talented and creative director and choreographer, but she's also a great teacher and mentor to these young actors.
The story, of course, is touching and sweet - all about friends looking out for each other, and the power of love.
The cast is fantastic - many of them are on stage for the first time, while others are veterans - and several "alumni" of First Stage were recruited to fill roles, too. They all work together like seasoned veterans, and turn in delightful performances.
It's a lot of fun to see this classic story come to life - and I certainly hope you, gentle reader, will make time today (at 2:30 p.m.) or next weekend to fall into Charlotte's Web. You'll be glad you did!
I just want to add to a comment THat you made Chuck. As you said most have never been on stage before. Today befor the show Amy asked the cast how many have never had lines before in a play. about 90-95% raised their hands. Beyond that about 70-75% have never been in a play before. It is amazing how well and far the have come along. Its crazy to think that if you add all the kids experience and compare it to either mine or johns that it doesn't even equal half. I am super impressed with them and every night they get stronger.
Good point Zach. We saw the same thing at HHS this year. I'm super excited to see a whole new group of talented kids getting opportunities to perform.
Shows like Charlotte help train actors and actress that will be the next group to pull off shows like Les Miserables.
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