It's going to be a fun and heartwarming show - but don't take my work for it - here's the story from the Herald-Dispatch's Beth Hendricks:
The world's most famous spider is spinning her web at the Renaissance Theatre this weekend and next.Here's the cast for the show:In its 19th season, the First Stage Theatre Company presents Charlotte's Web, based on the popular children's book by E.B. White.
Performances are at 8 p.m. March 6, 7, 13 and 14, and at 2:30 p.m. March 8 and 15. Tickets are $10 for adults and $8 for seniors and children younger than 12.
"What we're trying to do are 'pages to stage' shows. That means, selecting a show because it's based on a book, particularly one that children are going to be familiar with. We even have teachers sometimes who teach the books or create study guides and then bring their kids to see the show," said show director Amy Browning. "We hope this series can evolve in the next year to, perhaps, even traveling around the area with it.
"We also selected this show because it's a straight show and not a musical. We have kids who aren't singers and dancers who still love to act, and we want to make sure those kids still have the opportunity to be involved."
Charlotte's Web tells the story of a girl named Fern who saves a runt pig named Wilbur, and how his life is saved by a clever spider named Charlotte. The First Stage production features 30 students from third grade to eighth grade. Browning said the play is remarkably similar to the intent of the author.
"There's a quote on the front page of the script from E.B. White that says, 'You have kept my spirit and my intent. Congratulations and cheers.' So, the scriptwriter followed the book very closely," she explained. "What you'll see from us are only some creative liberties on the characters. For instance, our pig is not wearing a giant pig suit but overalls and a pink hat with pig ears. Our goose wears a big poufy dress. We tried to punch up the costumes a little because there's not a lot of singing and dancing and movement.
"Our set is really cute and has a 16-feet wide red barn that takes up a giant chunk of the set."
Many of the Charlotte's Web cast members are new to the stage, but Browning said it worked out for each actor to have at least one or two speaking parts during the show.
"We didn't do that intentionally, but that's kind of how it worked out, and we think it's pretty cool," she said. "It's a great opportunity for these kids."
For more information or tickets, call 304-416-KIDS or visit
Charlotte's Web is one of two shows this month being performed by First Stage Theatre. The other is the musical comedy Alexander Who's Not Not Not Not Not Not Going To Move, which will be presented March 20-22 and 27-29, at Jeslyn Performing Arts Center.
Fern Arable: Abigail Turner
John Arable: Zach Davis
Martha Arable: Sarah Stevenson
Avery Arable: Jonathan Ross
Homer Zuckerman: Jonathan Lamp
Edith Zuckerman: Caroline Hunter
Luray: Rachel Geiger
Wilbur: Samantha Young
Templeton: Jack McGee
Charlotte: Sarena Johnson
The Narrators: Leslie Collins, Rebecca Craig, Chloe Donahoe
Farm Animals: Goose, Brooke Alexander; Gander, Kathryn Booth; Sheep, Emily Bannon; Lamb, Kennedy Magner.
Chorus Members: Cassie Bowen, Karenann Flouhouse, Madalein Jackson, Hannah Kirby, Shelby McKeand, Emily Underwood, Angel Yarussi, Stephanie Yuhasz.
Baby Spiders/Chorus Member: Nathaniel Fornash, Morgan Hush, Maria Vance.
Break a leg, everyone. Charlotte, you break 8 legs.
I just want to encourage everyone to come and see this show. Th kids have worked extremely hard. I along with Jon Lamp were called in to help in the show as Alumni actors. I must admit that even though I have been in dozens of productions, these kids have still founf=d ways to teach me a few new tricks. This is one of the youngest cast I have had the honor of working with and I was a little scared at first but it has been a wonderful experience. The kids are fabtastic and adorable
Hi my names Rachel Geiger and I played Lurvy in Charlotte's Web. I have been doing theatre for about 4 years and Charlotte was my third first stage play. My first play/lead was as Imogene Herdman in the Best Christmas Pageant Ever and I wanted to say that Charlotte's Web was a wonderful experience and everyone in the cast got along great and were very involved and the directors were great! I love and miss all of them!
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