For the cast of the excellent Charlotte's Web, it's their last night off before tomorrow morning's school shows (you see five members of the cast in this photo from the Herald-Dispatch). First Stage tries to offer school performances of their shows to give students the chance to see a show that stars their peers.
Then they move into their final weekend of shows at the Renaissance Center (the old Huntington High School). Shows this weekend are at 8:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, which is the final performance for the show.
Today is also the last weekday off for the cast of Alexander, Who's Not Not Not Not Not Not Going to Move.
Next week, the Alexander cast moves into the theatre for Tech Week (which I'll talk about more next week), and then the show hits the stage the last two weekends in March.
There will also be a school performance for Alexander, and there are still some seats available. For more information, send an email to me at and I'll pass it along. But hurry - it's "first come, first served."
So visit Charlotte this weekend, and mark your calendar to visit Alexander the last two weekends of the month!
This is for both casts of First Stage's spring shows. Have a great time! I sure miss you all.
Thanks, Denise - we miss you, too!
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