
Tri-State Theater

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Monday, June 25, 2018

Interview with "Midsummer" Actor Emma Maynard

   As we close in on the WV Shakes Festival and the premiere of Alchemy Theatre Troupe’s production of the Shakespeare comedy A Midsummer Night’s Dream on June 30 in Barboursville, we have some interviews with the cast to share!

   First up is one of the youngest members of the cast, the lovely and talented Emma Maynard!

Q: In 25 words or less, what is A Midsummer Night’s Dream about?

Emma: There is a real world and a dream world. Most of the show is the dream world, with fairies and such. 

Q: Tell us about the part you play.

Emma: I play Cobweb, one of Titania’s fairies. Her train, as Shakespeare called it. The fairies serve their queen and protect her. 

Q: Why did you want to be part of this show?

Emma: I wanted to take part in this show because I normally do children’s theater with First Stage Theatre Company. All of the adults and kids my age are so talented, kind, and fun to work with.

Q: How challenging is the Shakespeare dialogue?

Emma: I didn’t quite understand it at first. I won’t say much to give anything away, but oh my gosh, it confused me when I first got the script. I like the plot of the story and all the characters in it, and once I got used to the way it was worded I really got into it.

Q: What’s your background in theatre? 

Emma: I was nine when I auditioned for my first show with ARTS, where I was cast to play Annie in The Magic Treehouse: Dinosaurs before Dark. Over the past three years I've performed in several shows with First Stage, where I most recently played the role of Pinocchio in Shrek the Musical. I just really love any chance to get up on stage.

Q: Why would you recommend this show to our readers?

Emma: This show opens up varieties of ideas, writing styles, and concepts. I've loved taking part in the show and I think everyone should see at least one Shakespeare play to really appreciate his work.

Q: What is your favorite quote?

Emma: My favorite quote is, "My legs are longer to run away." Another one would be, "Cobweb!" Did I mention I'm playing the role of 'Cobweb'? Enjoy the show!

    Thanks, Emma!

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” - Alchemy Theatre will present the play by William Shakespeare as part of the WV SHAKES festival on June 30 at 7 p.m. at the Barboursville Park Amphitheatre. Tickets are $20.

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