This episode stumbled at the start, as the girls vent their frustration at the young Cassie S., who was quick to blame the other actors for errors in last week's episode. It's difficult to tell if they're just trying to paint Cassie as the villain or if she's really just shallow. Once we get past that unpleasantness, the eight girls left in the competition face their first challenge - they have to work with a real animal!
Namely, the two dogs that "star" in the Broadway musical. They learn to work with the dog, and it's all just as cute as can be - though it's hard to imagine that the training will have much impact on who is chosen. Surely the pups are professional enough to work with anyone.
The real audition part of the show puts the actors in a short scene with the talented Richard Blake, who plays Elle's boyfriend early in the musical. They perform part of the "Serious" song, which gives the actors a good chance to show off their singing and their acting range, as they go from ecstatic to devastated in the course of the song.
As always, we only see snippets of each performance, but it's interesting to see how different actors handle the same scene. A bit of drama in injected when one actor gets sick and must rally to deliver her performance - and she does quite well. (The lesson, again, is don't smoke, kids - especially if you're going to be a singer.)
Once again, three actors end up on the cutting line, including Autumn, who's been touted as one of the stronger contenders - but she stumbled a bit in her audition, which just shows how important it is to be focused and "on" for your audition.
In the end, Celina was eliminated - but the shocking surprise was that they eliminated a second actor the same night - and (finally) Cassie S. was cut. She didn't do herself any favors by rejecting the idea that she'd be a great understudy - at 18, she should be a little more open to working her way into the ranks - but she's young, and has a lot of talent - she'll be fine.
The next episode promises more unnecessary angst, as the girls must evaluate each other. As I've said before, the auditions are dramatic enough - no need for artificial drama, please.
All I have to say about this episode is thank goodness Cassie S. is gone!!!! I was also really happy for Emma.
Anon, I agree about Cassie S. I think the main problem with this show is that it's tough to judge the talent of the actors from the snippets they're showing - so it's difficult to pick one to root for. But I suspect that problem may go away as the final five episodes roll along. Of course, the audience doesn't get a vote anyway - so maybe they don't care what we think! ;-)
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