
Tri-State Theater

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Thursday, April 04, 2019

Interview with Zach Adkins from "Picasso at the Lapin Agile"

   Tonight’s the opening night for Alchemy Theatre’s latest play, the very funny Picasso at the Lapin Agile

   We have another interview with a member of the cast - let’s hear from the funny and talented Zach Adkins:

Q: What’s Picasso at the Lapin Agile about - and what is a Lapin Agile? 

Zach: The performance is about the coming together of a few great minds (Einstein, Picasso, and a mystery figure) and these characters discussing in a comical way how they will change the century.
According to Wikipedia, Lapin Agile is a famous Montmartre cabaret, at 22 Rue des Saules, 18th arrondissement of Paris, France.
It’s also a painting created by Pablo Picasso.

Q: What character do you play?

Zach: I play Charles Dabernow Schmendiman, a very loud, energetic, and hopeful inventor that claims his invention will change the century. Now, this invention is very breakable and not usable for what Schmendiman sees it to be used for. However, he does change the century in a small way near the end of the performance.

Q: Rumor has it that this play is actually funny. True?

Zach: It’s a comedy for certain individuals. The humor in it is witty, odd, and sometimes dry. Many jokes will go over some peoples’ heads while others will cackle and laugh at those same jokes. 

Q: Why did you want to be part of this play?

Zach: I’m trying my very best to build up an acting career for myself. I’ve been acting in large church plays for seven years, I was in a small film last year, and I wrote a play last year as well. I attended a talent show in Huntington called the ARTS back in February. I auditioned with a speech from the Lord of the Rings, which was Sam’s speech to Frodo in The Two Towers. The judge highly approved of my performance, told me she could see me doing many things with my acting talent, and gave me a pamphlet about what happens after the show. With hopes of meeting people from AMC, Disney, Netflix, and more, I opened the pamphlet and found I need a great amount of money to continue on with the ARTS and meet very famous directors and casting agents. After sadly having to turn that offer down, I was informed by Michael Sullivan’s wife Kristi to audition for Picasso at the Lapin Agile. Sure enough, I auditioned and landed a role! So, this is just another honorable building block I have added to my life when it comes to making my way to being a well known actor with a grand acting career.

Q: Tell us about the cast.

Zach: The cast is full of many emotional characters (and not the crying-type of emotional). Silly, loud, sexual, inspiring, talented, affectionate, serious, and they can also be relatable as well.

Q: Any unusual challenges with this show?

Zach: The largest challenges just came with building the set. Paintings were created, walls were put up, furniture was found and placed in the scene, lights and sound systems were installed, oh, and costumes were fitted and sought out for. Small challenges came in the forms of just memorizing lines and keeping in mind where an actor / actress’ character needs to be. I heavily encourage anyone and everyone to come and see all of the hard work the stage crew, actors, and actresses have put into this performance!

Q: Why would you recommend this play to our readers?

Zach: It’s a comedy! Everyone deserves to have a good laugh. Also, if an individual is a fan of the arts, not only will you be watch a theatre performance, but you’ll learn about painters and highly intelligent individuals as well! Plus, you’ll be supporting local actors as they try to build their own building acting careers. We hope you all can make it to the show, you will not be disappointed, trust me on that!

   Thanks, Zach!

   Picasso at the Lapin Agile is being presented by Alchemy Theatre Troupe on April 4, 5, 6, 12 and 13 at 8 p.m. at the Kindred Communications Building at 555 5th Avenue in Huntington. Tickets are general admission and are $15 each.


Zach Adkins said...

For the last answer, “building” careers should be “acting” careers. My mistake :)

Chuck Minsker said...

No prob - fixed it!