
Tri-State Theater

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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Previewing "Follies"

    Huntington's newest theatre company, Alchemy Theatre, is tackling its first musical production, Follies, and here's a video with the director, Bil Neal, explaining why this is a show you don't want to miss:

   Follies - Alchemy Theatre will present the musical March 6, 7, 8, 13 and 14 at 7:30 p.m., and March 8 at 2 p.m. at The Janice Chandler Auditorium (The Cabell County Board of Education Building) at 2850 5th Avenue in Huntington. Tickets are $15 each. In 1971, on the soon-to-be demolished stage of the Weismann Theater, a reunion is being held to honor the Weismann's "Follies" shows past, and the beautiful chorus girls who performed there every year between the two World Wars. The once resplendent theater is now little but planks and scaffolding. The reunited actors reminisce, perform old numbers, reignite old flames, and appraise relationships as dilapidated as the old theater - often accompanied by the ghosts of their younger selves. 

1 comment:

Stevie Brigode said...

Break legs.