
Tri-State Theater

Let's discuss upcoming shows, secrets behind the scenes, things you never knew about the theater and why live theater is so darn entertaining.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Taking the Lead

Rehearsals continue for the First Stage production of Disney's High School Musical, and I have to say I'm just so darn proud of the work being done by these young performers.

The show features a good mix of experienced performers and young people who have never done theatre work before. Both groups (and the ones in between) have really worked hard to make this show something special.

I really enjoy seeing the veterans of the group demonstrating leadership skills. It's not something that can be taught, but in every show I've been involved with, at one point or another, one or more young performers take the lead. In some cases they lead by example; in others they actively work with the other actors, teaching dance steps, stage movements or just how to properly deliver a line.

At one rehearsal recently, I watched experienced young actors pull members of the cast aside and announce they were going to fix the problems in one scene (those problems were mostly a result of some performers missing an earlier rehearsal). It was a delight to see them take that kind of initiative, and when you've got that kind of help, it makes the job of the directors much easier.

Of course, sometimes they get a little too bossy - but that's when you step in as the director and reign them in. But that hasn't been a problem with this show - it's been a real team effort and I couldn't be more proud of the work being done by these performers. It's been a blast to work with them!

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