
Tri-State Theater

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Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Get the Holiday Spirit with the Collegium Musicum

Hey, if you're ready to get into the holiday spirit, I recommend one of my favorite events - the Christmas Madrigal Dinner put on by Cabell-Midland High School's Renaissance choir, Collegium Musicum.

The food is great, the music is outstanding, the play is always lots of fun, and it all happens this weekend! Here's the story from today's Herald-Dispatch:
Imagine the hit show Glee taped from the 15th century. Well, that’s the vocal quality of Cabell Midland High School’s own Renaissance-style ensemble, Collegium Musicum, which is celebrating the 17th year of their Christmas Madrigal Dinner.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Dec. 10-11 with the sit-down dinner, play and concert starting at 7 p.m.

Dinner is $15 for baked ham, baked potato, green beans, roll and dessert along with the traditional wassail and coffee or tea. All proceeds go to the theatrical choir which is raising money for a spring trip to Ireland.

Tickets are available from any Collegium musicum member, CMHS Choir Booster parent or online at www.cmhscollegiummusicum.org. Call director Ed Harkless at 304-743-7400 ext. 7420 or e-mail at tharkles@access.k12.wv.us.

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